This is a space I’ve made to be evocative of the old internet, static and kitschy but highly reflective of personal tastes, preferences, and sensibilities. It’s not an original idea by any means but I’ve had a lot of fun in recent years exploring modes of expression that unify nostalgia and a current yearning to create and be creative.
Like a lot of people in my age group I have fond memories of learning rudimentary web development to personalize my presence on a burgeoning internet. I realize there’s some hefty and thick rose-tinted glasses when I stare longingly into my memories of being a frustrated and hormonal teenager clashing against technical knowhow just to have the newest shiny trinket I hoped would help me stand out on places like MySpace, LiveJournal, and let’s not even get into the various forums and things like Gaia Online.
Still, the Past is the Past and nostalgia without substance is uninteresting to me, so instead I hope to make this space a sort of cultivated garden of my modern interests. I have more than enough professional presence on the internet and I want this to be something distinctly unprofessional, messy and unrestrained and likely more than a little embarrassing. Cringe, as the kids might say. If you’re cringe, you’re free.
Generally, I like to talk about video games, particularly RPGs, although Doom 1 and 2 are some of my favorite games of all time. I don’t really play the latest releases, but I wouldn’t describe myself as an /r/patientgamer either. I shoot for around 4-6 games of various sizes from a current year so I can at least talk about GOTYs at the end of the year, but sales and deals are probably the biggest driver of what I play besides personal interest.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, I also really enjoy manga and anime across many different genres. Typically I will check out a wide variety of seasonal anime and stick with the ones that spark joy, and I’ve been doing that for several years now. Similarly my manga intake has been mostly through the Shounen Jump subscription lately, but I used to devour series of all stripes voraciously. On both fronts I could definitely use more variety and will be trying to broaden my horizons in the near future.
Reading and writing are another primary interest of mine, with the former being much stronger than the latter. I read as many different genres as I can get my hands on, both fiction and nonfiction, but generally tend to enjoy sci-fi and things that skew darker in tone. Writing tends to be time and effort bound for me and I’ve noticed my voice tends to be rather one-note, another thing I’m trying to work on, possibly with the help of this site. Stay tuned.
If you’ve stumbled upon this site due to internet magic of some kind, welcome! I hope there’s something for you to enjoy here. I don’t generally like to share contact info widely, but you can check out my socials linked along the side if you’d like to interact. It’s a vast world out there and I hope this site can be a fun bit of insight into a particular corner of it.